2006 . p h o n e . p r o j e c t o r
A low res projector made from an old phone and a slide projector. It has some really nice aesthetic properties and I am looking to develop animations for it using J2ME. The only problem at the moment is that the phone lcd gets really hot very quickly.
2005 . d o t . m a t r i x . a n i m a t o r
We have become so use to having thousands of pixels at our disposal. The idea for the dotmatrix animator was to see what animations could be created with just 5 by 7 pixels and 9 frames. An applet created with Processing allowed people create animations in their browser and submit them. The newest submission would automatically be downloaded and displayed on the dotmatrix dispaly. I set it up at Digit for a while - some really cool animations came out of it.
2005. t i l t . p h o n e
Exploring the possibility of tangible interfaces for mobile phones. A prototype was built using bluetooth to send tilt data to a java midlet on the phone.
2004 . i n s t r u m e n t s . f o r . e x p l o r a t i o n
This project was part of my masters thesis. I was interested in the invisible landscapes of the city such as wifi penetration, electro magnetic fields, nightly IR illumination etc and made a range of instruments for exploring these city scapes. They were conceptual designs although I did some rough prototypes as well.
2004 . u r b a n . w i l d l i f e
This was another project from my masters thesis. Urban wildlife was an experiment, which aimed to make ultra simple electronic creatures for inhabiting and commenting on urban space. The prototypes used LEDs to suggest the eyes of a creature in the night. The creatures had simple behaviours - one would turn on only if surrounded by darkness, another reacted to change in static electricity. I was interested in the possibility of creating a street art which would feed off and draw its meaning from both visible and invisible structures of the city.
2004 .
t h i n k i n g . f i s h
What do fish think? This project plays with the idea of mixing realities. In a narrow fish tank real fish are augmented with mind bubbles. The idea was that you could interact with the fish using your mobile phone. The project was featured in the IdN book The Art of Experimental Interaction Design.